Our Catholic Identity is what sets our schools apart from the rest. Our concentration on educating the whole child, spiritually, academically, and morally is the ultimate advantage. Every school wants to provide a quality education, but our Catholic schools are doing just that and more. Our Catholic schools instill in students, at a young age, the importance of leading a values-based, spiritually strong life.
Some may wonder how our schools instill values and faith in our students. Administrators, teachers, and students participate in prayer at the start and end of everyday; starting their day with prayer allows students the opportunity to peacefully begin their school day remembering God's words as they learn and grow during the day. All students and school faculty members attend regularly scheduled mass throughout the year, giving all students a sense of community amongst their peers. Students in our Catholic schools are taught the history of our religion, the values of our religion, and the importance of our religion in religious education classes almost everyday. While all Catholics may receive their sacraments, students in Catholic school understand the meaning behind the sacraments they receive and the significance of that sacrament. Lastly, through religious images and reminders of the Catholic faith, students are prompted to consider the teachings of the Gospel and our call to live a life of holiness as they walk the halls.
Others may wonder why we choose to educate based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our schools stand out as some of the most academically rigorous. Catholic schools have one of the highest graduation rates of any school system and have more students attend four-year college than any other type of school. Aside from the academics, Catholic school graduates are more likely to pray regularly and attend Church regularly. Graduates of a Catholic school have a higher chance of continuing their faith beyond their high school years. When parents choose Catholic schools they are choosing a school that teaches the importance of having a religious and spiritual foundation that help form a future adult who is strong in his/her beliefs and recognizes how his/her actions impact the world. They are choosing a school whose values align with those taught at home. Our academic achievements prepare students for life beyond the classroom; our schools teach the mind and fill the heart with God's grace.
Our schools welcome all students, Catholic and non-Catholic. Our wish is for all students to reap the benefits of a Catholic education. All parents value an academically excellent education that promotes the growth of the whole child. We believe that diversity and differences are what beautify the world; this diversity enhances respect in our students and enriches their entire academic experience.
Simply said, our schools provide an exceptional education deeply rooted in the teachings of Christ.